Badfic Mods
5Friends 5Fans
female Sierra Vista, AZ, United States
Mod Plurk for the Badfic Manor panfandom RP
Badfic Mods
12 years ago 3
Plot post! The return of the squirrels.
Badfic Mods shares
12 years ago 6
Plot post! It's Manorcon Time!
Badfic Mods
12 years ago 4
Plot post! Time for another survival run!
Badfic Mods
12 years ago 2
Plot post! See, the Author isn't all bad...she's even giving you chocolates!
Badfic Mods
12 years ago 2
Plot post! Mmmm backstory.
Badfic Mods
12 years ago 6
PLOT UPDATE! If your character is 16 or under, Badou, or Mikami, your life is about to suck.