➕ Add Astrology
28Friends 11Fans
female SecondLife, United States
Official Plurk for Astrology in SecondLife
Astrology ~ Hairstyles in SecondLife
The Astrology marketplace is complete! Yay!
Second Life Marketplace - Astrology by AstrologyStor...
Find out what new stuff will be happening as I open Astrology up again ♥
Astrology is back! With several changes ~ Astrology
➕ Add Astrology
5 years ago 5 @Edit 5 years ago
DESIGNIN THINGS! This time, posters for the store. https://i.gyazo.com/d423117fe900e0ed58113f7c26c6bc83.png
➕ Add Astrology
5 years ago 5 @Edit 5 years ago
Hi! I'm looking for about 10 or so bloggers to help me out with a promo next week. Please apply here ♥
Help a bitch out? ~ Astrology
I'm looking at these logos again and the middle one looks like "castrology" bitch bye LOL https://i.gyazo.com/647e673f77613ae0350c3163629895a1.png
GREETINGS, welcome to the Astrology plurk account. I just made it right now because I'm super on top of things. Really. I'll be posting more info about how to follow Astrology on other platforms soon and where you can find our products now that Hair Fair is over. Unfortunately I'm still working on marketplace, but it should be up soon.

♥ Astrology