142Friends 43Fans
female Portland, OR, United States
cat lady in training, designer & purveyor of fine stuffs for #ADORED
facebook/insta: getadoredinsl
3 years ago
ok, but does anybody still even want original lelutka makeup appliers tho? I think I need to pull them from my store along with old catwa apps
3 years ago
celebrate the 8 billion year anniversary of #ADORED/VICE X, black lives matter & pride at the summertime roller disco party,this saturday, june 26th at 3pm SLT. JOIN US 💖😎🌈Santorini International
https://images.plurk.com/6LTa0TTIWL8WDsb8EtzSN4.jpg https://images.plurk.com/2wQFBJutReoEfNOmwCu116.jpg
3 years ago
#ADORED/VICE X coming soon to summerfest 😘 https://images.plurk.com/4PXhYXVWaTvcACYH7GiNnL.png
3 years ago
to the petty assbutt that reported my flickr account: joke is on you, I've wanted an excuse to not use flickr for vendors. thanks, xoxo
3 years ago 2
omw to izzie's to buy all the evo x things
3 years ago 4
updated firestorm and now the death star is orbiting my photo platform. cool, cool, coolcoolcool https://images.plurk.com/7zolcXtIcBmkajf5dKsP4C.png
3 years ago 46
how we feelin' about those "HD" lelutka bom layer skins & makeups, y'all?
3 years ago
yesterday I learned caspervend has a feature to prevent double purchases and OMG https://images.plurk.com/54xgwnTZ2Rzql2N62Vu1Ti.png
3 years ago 5
thoughts on who makes this hair? tried several places and struck out: dura, wingds, doux, barberyumyum, modulus... https://images.plurk.com/7yr4UyP9jofDVYfTP1RuXD.png
3 years ago 4
whelp, caspervend isn't working again x.x