lemme say the heads themselves, gorgeous. I am on the fence about how the whole new uv mapping & loss of cross compatibility will go down tho
Finish work in three hours and will be checking them out!!!
i'm not into anything that's not cross compatible (if I'm paying for it myself).
I will say, it's nice the ability to use classic sluv based bom layers is retained, so there's that.
i'm sceptical. at least they keep the SL UV in classic mode, but it's not gonna be fun explaining that to customers, who are already confused about old appliers no longer working.
gogolita: a new HD BOM layer for skins and makeup, which has a new custom UV that is different from the SL UV map. so your Evo skins you previously bought will no longer work in HD mode, only in classic mode
LeLutka released new heads for skin fair with that feature
Jesus but we just fought so hard to have regular bOM
Prediction: the customers will be PISSED
I don’t get that. Is that still a skin I wear or is that an applier
I love Lelutka, but they need to stop changing their heads every new release. It makes a head you bought two months ago and “old” version and not compatible with new things.
4 years ago @Edit 4 years ago
gogolita: no reason to be pissed. The Evo X heads have a classic mode, which allows you to wear everything that you can on your "regular" evo heads as well
nd with 1 click on a button on the HUD you can switch to the more detailed UV and use Evo X products
Okay so... pink fuel would have to convert my fav skin to new uv if I want “hd BoM”
When one of the selling points before, I thought, was the heads used sluv
Can we have some standards acrosss brands or within a single brand up in here
I already just gave up ALL of my old appliers for HD appliers
I don't think the reward is worth the headache. I don't like the heads enough for this
With the way most people run around SL with flat lighting, would they even notice HD lol. Honest question...
99% never get to see their heads as good as the lelu ads
I only see all the pores when my lighting is on my face a certain way
I know how to see it but I don't bother unless I'm taking photos. Why would I.
I mean I think the benefit might be less pixelation of the textures
gogolita: Same. I normally don't keep on Shadows and fancy lighting on unless I take photos. Why bog down my PC when I'm just doing day to day stuff
but it's not a big enough return on investment for me to deal with it
Yeah and whos to say they wont change it again
very well possible... after all, if no one ever dared to change, we'd all still be wearing Naughty and Starley's. Funny that it is an issue now that leLutka is taking it a notch up vs the silence when catwa wend "HDpro"
4 years ago @Edit 4 years ago
there are possibilities, they are being explored. Some will gain traction, others won't. leLutka is not giving up on making Evo heads, they have just added to the diversity for people who want something more
I think I'm more shook by the new skin tones that Glam Affair just released than by the new Lelutka heads
probably because most are currently for the new Lel heads
It’s not an issue when catwa does anything cos I NEVER wear them lololol
The last head I tried might be before mesh was mod
Yeah, I hate Catwa personally, it was also about time she did some form of an update. I love that Lelutka wants to make a better product, do not get me wrong. It just seems we get a whole new head with every new release and it gets overwhelming not to mention expensive.
4 years ago @Edit 4 years ago
then stick with the current head or buy a new one if the head appeals, I don't foresee that all new make up content for lelu will be Evo X only as you can still use normal bom and normal Evo HD with them as well, and to be honest, I don't think all make up creators and skinners have what it takes skillswise to really make a difference in higher definition
/graz out. I need food. my bloodsugar is low
Then who is making stuff up to par for hd BoM? A lot of skins are fuzzy af
I mean you get the heads for free, Grazia. and you blog for them. so you've got bias.
Looks like they’ll still work with BoM, so that’s what I’ll continue to support. HD and custom UV mapping is brand specific, and I just don’t have time to remake everything ad infinum for all the variations out there. (I’m still months behind getting missing Genus and LOGO HD sets in store.)
the catwa hdpro heads didn't divert from SLUV mapping, only in the makeup layers, of course. but the real issue is how using a skin that doesn't use the SLUV mapping removes cross compatibility with other makeups, it brings it back to the exclusive, this makeup can only be worn with this brand of head from the applier days, and we FINALLY just got over that~
that was my main concern at least, along with the confusion of throwing ANOTHER exclusive "this only works with this specific head" type thing into the mix when people are already confused about lelutka vs lelutka evolution and can't understand why those appliers aren't cross compatible.
most of the rest of y'all brought up other points I was also considering, so discourse successful I suppose. I wanted to see how people felt about it, and if as a designer I had to take into consideration creating for it. at the end of the day, I like ease, I like layers, so I'm going to use the new heads primarily in "classic" mode
yeah, I wouldn't expect to find universal support for this at skin and makeup stores. I mean, whoever does, great! But there are some stores that still haven't updated to BoM (and won't), so it's getting to be a lot on everyone's plate.