Anne Cloud
185Friends 105Fans
female Organica, Second life
Not interested in padding your friend or fan count.

This is a pretty personal account related to Second Life. If you're from outside SL, it's unlikely you'll be added unless I know you from somewhere else.
Anne Cloud
3 years ago
Anne Cloud
3 years ago 3
Well. That's your problem, not mine. If you can't be arsed to keep track, why bother joining so many in the first place?
Anne Cloud
4 years ago 5
There are exceedingly few people I am aware of who would have known him from back then, but I regret to announce the person behind Sinistar Mahoney has passed away.
Anne Cloud
4 years ago
I'm not texturing all of these, i swear. But That's a lot of texture faces. T_T
Anne Cloud
4 years ago @Edit 4 years ago
Good Morning TheWastelands ! Happy 14th Birthday! ( I am curating a short funk set this morning in about a half hour - check out the full schedule here: WL14B: The Wastelands' 14th Birthday Planning Spread... )
Anne Cloud
4 years ago
I was pretty apprehensive to hear how SciFri would be featuring SL, considering they have been gone from SL for over a decade, but this was pretty heartwarming :-) Finding Science Friday’s Second Life
Anne Cloud
4 years ago 2
I really need to carve out the time to play around with procedurals like this - looks so fun. Tutorial: Procedural hatching and manga shaders for ...
Anne Cloud
4 years ago 2
sigh I don't make a heckuva lot of video content, but when I do, I obsess over the timing and what I have to say. Given my subject matter, I will probably never break the thresholds to have any control at all over mid-roll placement or ads at all on my videos...
Anne Cloud
4 years ago 10 6-7ish hrs of work so far. Still lots of work to do, but I'm pleased I have a working silhouette and Saru-ish walk cycle going.