Dante [단테]
12 years ago
저는 요즘 일본어 카나를 공부하고 있어요.
한국어과 일본어은 많은 공통점이 있어요 (내 생각).
latest #23
Mar!ssa says
12 years ago
wow! long time no see
Dante [단테]
12 years ago
Yep -- Hi Suou :-)
Mar!ssa says
12 years ago
how's life in korea?
Dante [단테]
12 years ago
I'm in the U.S. :-) I'm only in Korea a few weeks per year.
Mar!ssa says
12 years ago
Oooo! I see you are getting used to the hangul! Everything at home going well I hope
Dante [단테]
12 years ago
Yep everything's fine. How are you? How did you do on your exam?
Dante [단테]
12 years ago
Oh, and the posting says "Nowadays I am studying Japanese Kana. The Korean and Japanese languages are very similar."
Dante [단테]
12 years ago
...or at least I think that's what is says - haha!
Mar!ssa says
12 years ago
Hopefully I did okay for my exam. I do think Jap and Korean are similar. I hope it does say what you meant (LOL)
Dante [단테]
12 years ago
It seems to have passed corrections from my Korean friends on a language site (LOL)\
Mar!ssa says
12 years ago
That's good then, you are getting better at the language!
Dante [단테]
12 years ago
길들이는 사자 == lion tamer :-)
Mar!ssa says
12 years ago
:-D!!!!! yay!
Gabe says
12 years ago
Hey. long time no see!
Dante [단테]
12 years ago
Hi Gabriel -- yeah, it's been a long time. How have you been?
12 years ago
Hi hi!!!
Gabe says
12 years ago
I've been alright.
Gabe says
12 years ago
Starting my freshmen year at Kent State University down here in Warren Ohio XD
12 years ago
Dante [단테]
12 years ago
nermalasu: songhyekyo2: Hi sorry late reply still remembering how this site works - haha :-P
12 years ago
:-)) how are you today ?
Dante [단테]
12 years ago
songhyekyo2: Feeling a little sick today (flu or something). Fortunately, I get off work in a couple hours :-(
12 years ago
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