Zekkiel Zerundi
132Friends 19Fans
male Ann Arbor, MI, United States
Zekkiel Zerundi
8 years ago 8
PokemonGo passed porn in popularity on the internet tonight. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CnHO8xyWEAAh4dw.jpg
Zekkiel Zerundi
8 years ago 3
If this is true, and I have no idea if it is, kudos to these people: https://scontent-dfw1-1....
Zekkiel Zerundi
8 years ago 6
My desk at work is within range of a Pokemon Gym. But I am not level 5 yet. >_<
Zekkiel Zerundi
8 years ago 14
As evidenced by the last plurk, I am playing PokemonGo. Why? Because I play Ingress and all of the Pokestops are Ingress portals. If I am gonna be there ANYWAY for Ingress portals....
Zekkiel Zerundi
8 years ago 18
Sometimes I want to comment on plurks with intelligent debate, but then I realize I am from a terrible part of the south and will probably say something awful unintentionally. And then people will
Zekkiel Zerundi
8 years ago 5
I get so nervous interacting with people in RL, but in SL, I'm totally chill. I must have dropped things 5 times trying to order lunch at a bbq place today because I was so...jittery.
Zekkiel Zerundi
8 years ago 1
As always, possible GoT spoilers: Insane Game Of Thrones Impressions