Zekkiel Zerundi
8 years ago
Sometimes I want to comment on plurks with intelligent debate, but then I realize I am from a terrible part of the south and will probably say something awful unintentionally. And then people will
latest #18
Zekkiel Zerundi
8 years ago
make fun of me and call me names. Which is really sad that this is the case, because that's not the way you encourage anyone to become educated about important things. And really, seems like...
Zekkiel Zerundi
8 years ago
Maybe part of the reason people in my country just keep getting stupider and stupider.
Zekkiel Zerundi
8 years ago
So that's a sad realization.
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
I once commented on a plurk by asking why a thing is a problem to understand the issue (genuine question), and it was misconstrued as a defensive/attack.
8 years ago
Being someone who is not afraid of confrontation, ofc I didn't make it any better.
8 years ago
We ended up hashing it out on PP...and midway the person realised I'm not from the US and that it was a legit question.
8 years ago
Plurk debate is always going to be dangerous because of experiences like that, I feel. No one is 100% clear where anyone is coming from.
8 years ago
i'm from a horrible part of the south as well, and sometimes my questions have been perceived as me being a racist but really its me not knowing that things are bad. i am happy to be educated and will never
8 years ago
tell someone to stop or shut up but i don't like being treated like i willfully did this/said this to be cruel.
Zekkiel Zerundi
8 years ago
kseenaa: I have a pretty good academic education, being the child of a professor, but I do not feel I have a good social education.
Zekkiel Zerundi
8 years ago
ZeeZuleicca: Communication is often so tricky on the internet. I wish people were less prone to immediately going into attack mode.
Zekkiel Zerundi
8 years ago
nimil: I just want to be sensitive and kind and helpful, you know?
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