Since the sun is almost up..
The sun is almost rising and Plurk 503d.
Thats all for now.
Going out for a smoke.
Steaks could kill us..
if we ate them all the time for a couple of hundred years.
Our hearts get clogged up to, you know.
Just because one of us is allergic doesn't make us all so.
I'm allergic to peanuts. Go figure.
Used tampons taste liek shit.
If you cut us, do we not bleed?
The answer is no.
Things You Should Know (or TYSK from here on forward) #1
Vampires are humans too.
Well, we were once.
If he existed IRL, I would buttreap him in a heartbeat.
Heartbeat. Lulz.
Weird as it may sound, Twilight turned out to be interestingly interesting.
A hundred something year old virgin vampire?
Come on!