I quit smoking a while back in preparation for my surgery. After eating is when I struggle the most! Luckily, it doesn't last long but wow, it really sucks!
Why is it in most male blog pictures... second life cigarettes look like Virginia Slims? Weird thing I have noticed, lol wasn't sure if it was a trend or what?
This is the first Mother's day in 8-10 years that I have not cried. We actively tried to conceive since 2008 to no avail. Small victories, since I've mourned not being a mother for a very long time, I am more at peace with it now for some reason. Anywho...that being said, I want to wish a Happy Mother's Day to all out there!
Clicked on the news, and immediately regretted that decision. Headline - President Trump on Friday broke with health experts, telling reporters that the coronavirus will “go away without a vaccine.” Nope. Crawling back into my hole for a bit longer.
Top ER Doctor Who Treated Virus Patients Dies by Sui... This completely guts me, the sad reality is the PTSD for the front line first responders is going to be terrible. I am just overwhelmed with empathetic grief for everyone touched by this terrible shit