283Friends 58Fans
female Second life
A neurotic, playful, and loyal gal. Sadly, most of my Second Life friends have moved on. Kinda lonely there. Feel free to say hi!

RL ~ 42 years old, married to my soul-mate.
1 years ago 1
1 years ago 2
Day three recovery. I am doing so incredibly well with pain, but I am mainly just uncomfortable and exhausted from not being able to sleep in a bed. I loathe sleeping in a recliner. I need to thank my lucky stars though that the pain is manageable.
1 years ago 8
Tomorrow, I have to be at the hospital at 9 am for my skin removal/tummy tuck surgery. To say I am nervous is an understatement. I am not allowed to eat or drink after 8 pm, so I just chugged a water lol I REALLY hope I can sleep. (goodluck)
1 years ago 7
I have been off SL for a while, what are the best skins for LeLUTKA EvoX? I am currently wearing The Skinnery, which I love...but I am looking for something new and different. Thanks in advance!
1 years ago 8 @Edit 1 years ago
Been almost a year since I've been on Plurk. Hope everyone is doing well! <3 Might as well share a picture of these two nerds!
hehe https://images.plurk.com/5ApJZ6MDkbfeINA8NYLPno.jpg
2 years ago 7 @Edit 2 years ago
Covid-19 has fear/panic/anxiety taking over my life again. My step-sister passed away from this vicious disease 3 weeks ago today. She was 35.
She was not alone when she died, this for some reason gives me a small sense of comfort.
She didn't believe it was real. Now her 6-year-old is without a Mom.
Please wear a mask.
Therapy starts back on Friday.
2 years ago
https://images.plurk.com/1s0pKtt4RUlhcSrZmfDAXs.jpg 😂
2 years ago 6
https://images.plurk.com/1ZcoySfNP0qjUyjwiu3mxz.jpg I guess they wanted me to leave work! lol much obliged 😂 hehe
2 years ago 11
https://images.plurk.com/3Rek6Q0SHEHcv1aBFibWqr.jpg July 4th, we had to make the decision to help our sweet Sarris Marie to cross over the rainbow bridge. I've been a complete mess, trying to focus on work, but not having her sweet face and wagging tail following me around is a pain I wasn't prepared to face. I picked up her ashes today to bring her home, one final time. 💔
3 years ago 14 @Edit 3 years ago
Hi all. I debated on if I should post this or not, but since it never hurts to clap for yourself once in a while...here goes. https://images.plurk.com/46bhN8orfQaGwP4kVGgjjc.jpg 351 to 208 lbs I lost over 60 on my own and then had gastric sleeve surgery back in Aug 2020. It helped me to become very active and I'm working to be the healthiest, happiest version of myself! <3