42Friends 13Fans
female KY, United States
Just a DWRPer, like everybody else.
I've been having fun tossing Alistair at some memes, so if anyone wants my boy, just let me know.
[snek, not mine] Ever seen a gaboon viper in a santa hat?
'Tis the Muppet Christmas Carol time of year.
My new 3D printer arrived! Once I get it set up and going, I'll be able to do prints in up to four colours at once! Now wish me luck as I set out on my journey to learn Blender and BeckerCAD.
https://images.plurk.com/5qAT7DHdTTd284D5cXi384.jpg Bought it for the art, and it is damn fine.
Veilguard spoilers inside.
Today I had to disassemble and reassemble the print head of my 3d printer. It seems to be working right with that done. How are you guys?
Dammit, 'tis the season and I want more grass masks lore.
Anyone who would like a holiday card, inside or outside of the US, drop me your address however you prefer and I'll note it down and get one sent out to you! These cards are likely to include stickers of various sorts.
I successfully crossed over Warcraft and Dragon Age. Go me!