42Friends 13Fans
female KY, United States
I'm working to get back into RPing lately as the want is there but sometimes the health and energy is lacking. I'm relearning a lot of mental stuff after a severe car accident. Please be patient with me.
[Tabletop] Me: And the shopkeep has a preserved frog in a jar.
Also Me: /actually turns page
Then me: ....The frog is actually alive.
FYI! If any of you on here are ever about to have a surgery and want info from someone who's been through it, feel free to ask me anytime. I'm happy to inform and reassure.
[Cat Health] Merlin ate. /faints
[Cat Health] It's almost 11 AM. I've slept maybe four hours. I just medicated Merlin, and more went in him than on him for once. He has since disappeared. I'm going to take the small win anyway.
[Cat Health] Merlin hates his meds. I knew he would but I didn't expect this vehemence. He hates them to a point where he actively makes himself foam at the mouth to try to spit them out.
[Cat Health] Good news! No big TMI this time.
Trying to sleep and one of the ball pythons just farted loud enough their enclosure rattled.
Woke up today and found a spider in the cup of one of my bras, so that's fantastic.