293Friends 39Fans
female Second life
Lover of Robots, Cheese, Knick Knacks and Leonard Cohen.
Creator for Lost Junction. All around cool girl. Oh yeah.
2 years ago
[LJ] Rustic Balloon - Engine Room Sept 2021 Now available @ Engine Room!
2 years ago @Edit 2 years ago
2 years ago 3
https://images.plurk.com/56BVlhscIuCkW6hoTWKCRX.png WIP for Tokyo Zero!
2 years ago 8
https://i.redd.it/mdpv9cidukk71.jpg I'm ready to see this dress in SL OK
2 years ago 1
French Gothic Picket Fence Kit - Now at blanc. !!

Everything you need to build your own shabby chic fence in a variety of fun colors! [LJ] French Gothic Fence Kit - Blanc Aug 2021
Taxi: Cosmos
2 years ago
[LJ] Hypnotia Fence Kit Last hours to get the Hypnotia Fence Kit for 50% off! Ave Maria
2 years ago
I got all of my Lost Junction Gachas on MP as copy / no transfer fat packs. If its not on marketplace now, it's going to be discontinued completely at the end of the month! Second Life Marketplace - Lost Junction by Tala Lava... And Mainstore for other stuff: Ave Maria
2 years ago 12
I haven't put anything new on marketplace since I struck out on my own from Losthaven. I've been at it all day now and I'm almost done with what I want on there. This gacha thing really lit a fire under my butt.
2 years ago
melissajeanneflores Was just thinking about how I miss One Word
2 years ago 1 @Edit 2 years ago
[LJ] Hypnotia Fence Kit Out early for Mournful Monday! Modular Wrought Iron Fence kit! Taxi: Ave Maria