2 years ago
I haven't put anything new on marketplace since I struck out on my own from Losthaven. I've been at it all day now and I'm almost done with what I want on there. This gacha thing really lit a fire under my butt.
latest #12
Allegory says
2 years ago
congratulations in getting that done, it's horrible!
2 years ago
hahaha thank you!
Allegory says
2 years ago
i'm behind by....a lot of months for sure, maybe more than a year now? because it's so tedious and awful :-)
Allegory says
2 years ago
oh yeah, WAY more than a year. whoops.
2 years ago
hahaha it's been way more than that for me. waaaaaaaaay more! It isn't as tedious to do as I remembered it being though, so that's good.
Allegory says
2 years ago
i go through spurts where i write lists of everything i need to do and i get like...a quarter of the way through the list and am just worn out by it, and put it off for another bunch of months :-) after i get some other more time sensitive stuff sorted, i should do another push of things
Allegory says
2 years ago
(and it turns out, not QUITE a year, i was thinking the most recent stuff listed was older- but i'm only a couple of months shy of a year so it'll probably be that by the time i get back to it!)
2 years ago
I think that's fair. Make 'em go to the store to get it! It's getting the old gachas as sets that made me think I should MP them, but also I think the fence kit I made will do better on marketplace for people, you know, looking for fences!
Allegory says
2 years ago
i'd rather people experience the elephant anyway ;-)
2 years ago
It's pretty awesome!
Allegory says
2 years ago
thank you! :-D
2 years ago
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