32Friends 5Fans
female Palm Desert, CA, United States
SunnyKnitter is
11 years ago
pop in plurking. Can't believe I haven't plurked since March of last year!
SunnyKnitter is
12 years ago
tired and wondering how the cat knew about daily saving's time...
SunnyKnitter is
12 years ago 1
Baaaaaak! Missed you Plurk! Now if morgajam will just pass me a chocolate toffee scone, I'll feel at home again (LOL)
SunnyKnitter is
12 years ago 1
alive! But barely. I am sucked into the vortex of work. Miss you all terribly. Hope the new year is being nice to you!
SunnyKnitter is
12 years ago
missing the Plurk, but work's keeping me too busy to even have the energy to knit! Thought I'd just drop by and (wave)
SunnyKnitter says
12 years ago 1
There is a burger in my near future! I'm salivating... (Did I mention it's been a crap day?) Thought of burger is making me near orgasmic.
SunnyKnitter is
12 years ago 3
missing Plurk friends. Blows kisses
SunnyKnitter has
12 years ago 2
been having one of those days and I still have a buttload of work to do before tomorrow. Sigh. I will get enough time2 plurk & knit 1 day.
SunnyKnitter has
13 years ago 3
lost her knitting mojo. If found, please return ASAP. Thanks.
SunnyKnitter says
13 years ago 1
Sorry for absence lately, just been busy with life. Miss all the plurkers though!