32Friends 5Fans
female Palm Desert, CA, United States
SunnyKnitter is
13 years ago
SunnyKnitter says
13 years ago
have I mentioned that I need an attitude adjustment? Yeah. But oddly only when I'm home...
SunnyKnitter says
13 years ago
I love the rain!
SunnyKnitter says
13 years ago 2
home from Vegas! Relaxed and happy and ready for real life again.
SunnyKnitter says
13 years ago
I'm so excited about trip to LV and meeting with friend tomorrow that I couldn't even sleep last night! Hope I sleep before drive tomorrow!
SunnyKnitter wants
13 years ago 2
things she shouldn't.
SunnyKnitter says
13 years ago
Tired. Pushing myself this a.m.
SunnyKnitter says
13 years ago
I'm paying for a trainer and want to get fit, but I think sometimes he wants to kill me. Apparently I like that 'cause I keep going back..
SunnyKnitter is
13 years ago
Up and trying to get at 'em. Did not sleep well.
SunnyKnitter says
13 years ago
tired, so tired.