*paper moon*
201Friends 48Fans
female Second life
Owner and creator of Second Life's paper moon.
Very short, very offbeat, and pretty darn weird.
Mostly posts about making things and the frustrations there-in.

i like to pet things....
*paper moon*
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
*paper moon*
7 years ago 2
schrodingersalley and I making those rompers sexy AF!!! https://flic.kr/p/V4QBCN but now... we really should get back to work.
*paper moon*
7 years ago 2
HELP! So I am finally updating my MP listings since YEARS ago when they blanked out stuff for the "overhaul". All the items I had back then are not in my listings. All fine & good, they are outdated. BUT when I search in Quick Full or Demo or related, they pop up. How do I delete!?!??!
*paper moon*
7 years ago
We're looking for bloggers! Blogger search May 20 - June 25 2017 *paper moon* Blogger App
*paper moon*
7 years ago 1
I am reviving my FB page for my photography and re-purposing it for ALL my creative endevours, including SecondLife. Check it out if you want to keep up to date with all my fun! <3 Sohma G. Dawling Here is a recent work I did for my Fiance for his mother's day present.
*paper moon*
7 years ago
schrodingersalley needs this AO
*paper moon*
7 years ago 20
I bought a Genesis head (4k) cause it matched the closest any head so far has been able to match my own, NOT KNOWING you can only use Genesis skins.. which i absolutely hate. I am the farthest of a fan from highlight/contouring make up. If you like it, all well and good! you do you! but man, this was an expensive mistake. grrrrrr
*paper moon*
7 years ago 2
Bento head lovers! HELP!! after testing/playing w/ everything, the Genesis Jane head is the closest I can come to my real face but I have 2 problems. 1 - the eyes just aren't round eyes enough but I can deal (for now) and 2 - wtf is with these indentions behind the eyebrows!?!?