*paper moon*
I bought a Genesis head (4k) cause it matched the closest any head so far has been able to match my own, NOT KNOWING you can only use Genesis skins.. which i absolutely hate. I am the farthest of a fan from highlight/contouring make up. If you like it, all well and good! you do you! but man, this was an expensive mistake. grrrrrr
latest #20
People make genesis appliers. I know Le Forme does.
There are 3rd party appliers for Genesis but not as many. The Genesis bento heads is nice and I think it takes omega makeups. I hope you can work it out how you want.
*paper moon*
DistortedDreams: ha! they aren't on MP (where I was looking so i don't store hop into madness) but in store! I grabbed every once i could. Thank you for letting me know!... i know nothings about skin makers. I derp hard in this area.
There are a couple skins from bold and beauty, lara hurley has one and I think glam affair may be making one, Aida mentioned it.
Pocket Lola
yay see there is promise coming your way. new appliers for your head
*paper moon*
I just checked Ys&Ys. eh, not my thing. This is why people had to drag me kickinga nd screaming into mesh body parts. I loved my Dead Apples skin and didn't want anything after that :-P
Pocket Lola
ugg i know i loved her skins but i wanted mesh body lol
*paper moon*
LOLA79: if they would magically re appear and make the skin i liked for this head and this mesh body... i would be done 4 LYF
*paper moon*
Daeberethwen: i am hitting up each store you listed! thank you!
Pocket Lola
its hard finding a alternative to what she had. i haven't found anything similar yet. but the pink fuel skins are pretty if you get the vamp version
*paper moon*
LOLA79: i just recently (before the head) bought a PF skin set due to the suggestion of Kalia and it was awesome! now if only they did Genesis heads. I REALLY like the "curvy" skin option
Pocket Lola
i'm not sure if she plans on doing the genesis heads. i know she has done catwa and lelutka so far
Pocket Lola
oh and slink
Plastik does Genesis appliers. The 2015 skins from Lumae has them as well.
*paper moon*
for people who don't know the Dead Apples skins LOLA79 and i are going on about, this was my fav one as it looked ABSOLUTELY perfect on my shape and looked the most like RL me https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7571/15779075582_8088087c48_b.jpg
*paper moon*
^^ and that was 3 years ago!
I was stuck on the curio skin I had for a good 6 years, I feel you
of course now when I look at it I see how old it really looks
*paper moon*
LOLA79: Pumec is a store I hit up today that comes close to Dead Apples! But the ones for the Genesis head are totally not for me. darn!
Pocket Lola
oh i just got some mesh ears from her store i'll check out the skins also
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