908Friends 346Fans
female Brisbane, Australia
I am the creator behind Slink in Second Life®. I post updates, new releases and ramblings about cats sometimes! If you only want updates, find me on twitter @ SiddeanMunro

Slink is not associated with Linden Lab®.
Non SL'ers will not be added.
3 years ago 14
I often observe my kitties and think "Are they happy? Do we look after them properly? Play with them enough? Feed them the right things? Love them enough? Do they love us back? What is it like to be a cat here?" And then I get a bit melancholy.
3 years ago 1
Sat down to do a substance painter tutorial. Needs update. 1.8gb. Thought well I'll go do some Zbrush. Another update. 1.3 gb. Well. Guess I'll be on the couch for the next hour.
3 years ago 2
Dear phone scammers. I highly doubt that my "tax file number" can be "suspended" due to "fraudulent activity" and that if it were, I'd wouldn't be getting a call from a text to speech autocaller. I'd be getting a call from my accountant... Get in the bin.
3 years ago
I have a couple of cute little spooky gifties available at the Shop & Hop event this month! Slink Graphic Tees Gift and Slink Lan & Leilani BOOS Gift featuring my very own l'il boos! You can get them here --> Tinseled
3 years ago 9
Word to the wise. When you leave an avatar alone for 7 years, she may rebel and go rogue! I have no idea why she's wearing a Belleza mens skin demo
3 years ago 11
I have started drinking bulletproof coffee (mct oil) with a pinch of salt after a lifetime of sweet milky coffee and damned if I don’t absolutely love it (LOL)
3 years ago 1
Ugh that’s enough internet for me today :-& time to go do something fun instead of stressing about stuff I can’t change
3 years ago 2
well this is fascinating (True crime/psychology) Jennifer's Solution
3 years ago
Dear SL. Your face is a degenerate triangle. Love Siddean.