3 years ago
I have started drinking bulletproof coffee (mct oil) with a pinch of salt after a lifetime of sweet milky coffee and damned if I don’t absolutely love it (LOL)
latest #11
I use salted butter in mine
So are you using mct oil or coconut oil?
Asia Ristow
3 years ago
It’s surprisingly good! I love my coffee super sweet and creamy. Like coffee ice cream. But the bullet coffee is soooooo good! I’m glad you’re enjoying it too!
3 years ago
I used to do the bullet coffee - and loved it! Then I had heart flutters... and nope back to cream/sweetened coffee.
3 years ago
I’m using mct oil and a pinch of Himalayan flake salt and I really mean a pinch. I can’t bear straight black coffee, it’s too bitter for me but the oil and salt change the flavour profile in a very interesting way! Kinda love it.
3 years ago
lunajubilee: I get heart flutters too but I have learned that a dose of electrolytes and a magnesium supplement really helps!
3 years ago
MCT Oil: Health Benefits and Common Uses it's made from coconut oil but without the coconutty smell or taste. It tastes like literally nothing which is good because my senses are offended by coconut except in it's purest form as flesh still in the shell!
3 years ago
I only use it where it makes sense to have a coconut odour. Thai and indian curries where I am using coconut cream is fine for coconut oil. Maybe you're just a bit less sensitive to that particular smell :-D
3 years ago
SLinkbySiddean: I’ll have to try that. Thank you for sharing!!
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