Rowan McSneezy
75Friends 158Fans
female TX, United States
Passions: writing, card making, procrastinating...but I'll do that later.
TV shows I love and try not to miss: Big Bang Theory, Person of Interest, Sleepy Hollow and Castle.
Favorite TV on DVD: War of the Worlds (Season 1), Stargate SG-1, Buffy,
Rowan McSneezy
6 years ago 5
Happy Friday, y'all! This week I've been hotter than a hen in a wool basket. Today it's overcast with the high of only 96. I can deal with that
Rowan McSneezy
6 years ago 1
Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there
Rowan McSneezy
6 years ago 5
I want to wish my bestie, tatteredpage a very happy birthday! hope you have a great one!!
Rowan McSneezy
6 years ago 6
is very bored. Want to go to town but don't know what to do.
Rowan McSneezy
6 years ago 8
Hi all. it's been awhile. (wave_okok)
Rowan McSneezy
6 years ago 5
got carded today at local grocery store buying beer. :-)) :-)). Made my day!
Rowan McSneezy
6 years ago 6
hope everyone who celebrated Thanksgiving had a wonderful and safe one. Most of my immediate family was here. Tomorrow my brother and sister in law leave to go back to their house about 7 hrs away
Rowan McSneezy
6 years ago 4
been busy at work. Sometimes just don't want to be on the computer or even my phone.
Rowan McSneezy was
6 years ago 5
diffusing Thieves and Peppermint in my office and my boss came in and was like "Damn! It smells good in here!" (LOL)
Rowan McSneezy
6 years ago 2
good night all