Rowan McSneezy
75Friends 157Fans
female TX, United States
Passions: writing, card making, procrastinating...but I'll do that later.
TV shows I love and try not to miss: Big Bang Theory, Person of Interest, Sleepy Hollow and Castle.
Favorite TV on DVD: War of the Worlds (Season 1), Stargate SG-1, Buffy,
Rowan McSneezy
7 years ago 5
got bowled over by my boss' dog returning the ball. I was trying to get out of his way but he moved when I moved and wham! I fell backwards. Thankfully the ground was pretty soft. I'm only a bit sore. Didn't tell boss. It wasn't the dog's fault. I need to find a place to wait so he will slow down automatically.
Rowan McSneezy says
7 years ago 3
i'm tired. going to bed soon.
Rowan McSneezy
7 years ago 4
gnight all
Rowan McSneezy
7 years ago 3
finally watched Guardians of the Galaxy. Cute. Was that...Howard the Duck at the end of the final credits??
Rowan McSneezy
7 years ago 8
Survivor started again. And for the record it's not been on for 35 seasons in my book. Seasons in TV shows go from September to May. Not like 3 months and off 4 months and back on again. If that was the case Survivor would've started in 1982. (annoyed)
Rowan McSneezy
7 years ago 5
look what I made. Snicker doodle cupcakes.
Rowan McSneezy
7 years ago 4
gnight all
Rowan McSneezy
7 years ago 4
glad the monday is over. Another majority of the week boss free
Rowan McSneezy
7 years ago 2
spent the day with my friends. Went to eat at Grimaldi's but no one even came to get our drink order so we left.. even the hostess didn't give a crap. so we went to chuys. we got plenty of attention. our waitress was very attentive but not overly attentive. then we went shopping. here's my plate at chuys. love this plate
Rowan McSneezy
7 years ago 4
Happy Friday all!