207Friends 418Fans
male Orlando, FL, United States
Evangelical Christian, Father, Florida Gator, Patriot, Christian Apologist, Theologian, Conservative, #MAGA

Detroit in RUINS! (Crowder goes Ghetto)
Ric says
4 years ago
Ric says
4 years ago
Someone probably choked to death on food in the Death Star cafeteria and everyone thought it was Vader doing it.
Ric says
4 years ago
The way America is handling the Coronavirus, I'm surprised Mexico hasn't paid to finish the wall yet.
Ric says
4 years ago
The way America is handling the Coronavirus, I'm surprised Mexico hasn't paid to finish the wall yet.
Ric says
4 years ago
‪This is the first year I am not going to Japan because of Covid-19. Usually I don’t go because I am poor. ‬
Ric says
4 years ago
You know whats really uncomfortable? Pants! But I still wear them in public, not for me but for others!
Ric says
4 years ago 1
I hate it when I see some old person and then I realize we went to high school together.
Ric says
4 years ago
Pavlov probably thought about feeding his dogs every time someone rang a bell.
Ric says
4 years ago
Funny how just before the Coronavirus I was like "I can't believe gas is a $I 99" And now I'm like "I can't believe gas is a $1.99" but have totally two different meanings.
Ric says
4 years ago
Has Covid-19 forced you to wear a mask and glasses at the same time? You may be entitled to condensation.