13Friends 35Fans
male Winnipeg, MB, Canada
- Favorite colour is black
- No Siblings
- Favorite game - Wing Commander
- Gamertag Randilin
15 years ago
is now fringing for the night
Randilin says
15 years ago 7
I use to be in love with Carrie Fisher back in the day but it never happened. I guess I was looking for love in Alderaan places.
Randilin has
15 years ago 4
not been enjoying the sunstroke he brought back from Folkfest
Randilin is
15 years ago
home after a stupid insane weekend. But folkfest was a blast.
15 years ago 8
is around a roaring fire @ 230 with a banjo violin two guitars singing with group friends. what a night.
15 years ago 1
is at winnipeg folk fest. loving the sun and music. we just settled in and about to enjoy a alex cuba show
Randilin says
15 years ago 5
3.5 hours til I head for folkfest :-)
Randilin says
15 years ago 3
Tamile is waiting in an insanely long line for the Potty, while the car waits in an even longer line
15 years ago 3
What if - in the middle of the MJ event a bunch of Thriller zombies came out & MJ climbed out of the stage & it was all faked
15 years ago 3
screams 1 more sleep til folkfest!!!!