Randilin says
15 years ago
I use to be in love with Carrie Fisher back in the day but it never happened. I guess I was looking for love in Alderaan places.
latest #7
15 years ago
squees in joy at the pun!
sacredoak says
15 years ago
Ziggy Vertigo
15 years ago
d'ohs. (doh)
Kitbot says
15 years ago
I think I better stop trying to force puns! This one was epic windo.
Ziggy Vertigo says
15 years ago
Don't be Greedo and take all the good puns for yourself :-(
Kitbot has
15 years ago
to stop now while she's at work! I'll continue with you at a Vader time.
Ziggy Vertigo
15 years ago
guesses he'll have to pun all a clone until then.
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