57Friends 25Fans
female Blacklick, OH, United States
Knitter, Spinner, Dog-mommy of two beautiful keeshonden. (Not necessarily in that order)
Martha says
10 years ago 3
TuftWoolens shop is all updated for Mother's day!
Martha says
11 years ago 7
One of my photographs got featured in a sheepie treasury list!! OMG, I am so excited. Probably more so than I really need to be. Haha!
Martha says
11 years ago 28
Should I upgrade my ma to mavericks now? are all the bugs worked out?
Martha says
11 years ago 10
Why oh why does the usps deliver First class packages hundreds of miles away, but can't get it together and deliver Priority in the SAME STATE!! (angry)
Martha says
11 years ago 28
Need some help from my knitting peeps! I need the names of some brick and mortar yarn shops that have a website, but DONT sell online.
Martha says
11 years ago 21
I just opened my etsy shop!! (woot)
Martha says
11 years ago 5
Thanks Mr. Jiggs, for barking at the house all night long last night. (annoyed) I kept telling you it was just the cold making those noises, not a dog burglar.
Martha says
11 years ago 20
Ummmm, so if you were in an interview and were asked about your problem solving skills, would you bring up your challenges as Dungeon Master as an example?? (LOL)
Martha says
11 years ago 79
I have one of the HY sweater lots in my cart if anyone wants it! I'll release it to you and you can buy it!
Martha says
11 years ago 8
Has it been 11AM for like 3 hours ?!?!?