Martha says
Ummmm, so if you were in an interview and were asked about your problem solving skills, would you bring up your challenges as Dungeon Master as an example?? (LOL)
latest #20
Martha says
No disrepect to anyone who does D&D, I just thought it was really interesting/hilarious/semi-inappriopriate in a job interview.
Martha says
Also, I am soo happy to be doing interviews when I have a whopping 4 DAYS left here. (annoyed)
sarahlou says
Are you supposed to be interviewing for you own position? Or will they move someone up in-house and they're hiring for the lower position? or something else entirely?
sarahlou says
I would say if I didn't have any job-related examples I might draw on my knitting experience and that is technically "hobby" or "extra-curricular", but I suppose it depends on your audience.
sarahlou says
There was a guy who interviewed with us a little over a year ago that actually would have been my top pick of the bunch, but A - he wanted more money than we could offer (because he had way more skill than we
(LOL) um fuck no hahahaha
sarahlou says
were technically hiring for) and B - he not only talked about completely un-work-related stuff, but he also SWORE four different times in his interview.
ttownknitiot says
Martha, you're changing jobs?!
woolpierogi says
HA. In my line of work that might actually get you the job depending on what level of nerd you're interviewing - it does nothing for me, though
lemonhalf says
(LOL) ahahaha only if it was relevant? see my earlier post!! (lmao) i have debated using it as a master thesis topic to finish my MA degree.
WhimsyWooooo says
I personally would not as I don't play, but it might be relevant for that pesky resolving problems with co-workers question
dryactivebeast says
I don't know..did it really give a good picture of the applicant's problem solving skills? I guess it could also show a side that is more personality than all work. But at the same time, it would probably be
dryactivebeast says
more helpful to have problem-solving skills as they related to, I dunno..WORK?!
Martha says
sarahlou: I don't know what happened to my reply from yesterday?? No, I am not interviewing for my position, there are 2 temps and 2 cross functional positions that are open.
Martha says
ttownknitiot: YEP!! I am going to go work for a lady who owns a LYS. She wants help in the shop, but also some design work and in the future, a yarn line designed using local wools and alpaca.
Martha says
I'll also be teaching and putting together all the kits for the classes.
calliope0707 says
Wow! Huge & exciting change for you!!:-D
Martha says
calliope0707: I am a little terrified right now. Just the unknown.
woolpierogi says
You are going to rock it so hard!!!
ttownknitiot says
Martha!! That's fantastic! What a dream job!!
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