oOo Olaenka
393Friends 120Fans
female oOo Studio, Second Life, United States
Owner of oOo Studio, creating intimate, hopefully amazing poses for Second Life residents.
oOo Olaenka
6 years ago
is there early entry to Epiphany for any group I may be able to get into?
oOo Olaenka
7 years ago 4
My lawn maintenance man just called me "baby girl". He's so cute. he runs the business for his father, but he's 60+ if he's a day. I'm all, "aww" about it (versus ugh if it was coming from someone else)
oOo Olaenka
7 years ago
Check out IjeomaOluo's Tweet: Ijeoma Oluo on Twitter I'm just gonna leave this here. It seems to fit nicely into many conversations I've seen/had lately.
oOo Olaenka
7 years ago 1
Sorry kids. The wonder that is plurk from my crappy office connection double posted the same message despite telling me posting had failed. I'm not doubly bothered.
oOo Olaenka
7 years ago 5 @Edit 7 years ago
Cash out of $999 USD started in 6/13 8am and happened 6/18 2pm. I don't make my living in SL, and the fees don't really screw me over, but don't tell me that you've improved the process, then clearly demonstrate that you haven't AND you've lowered the amount I can process in a 30-day period, so I'm basically sitting on my thumbs waiting a month each time.
oOo Olaenka
7 years ago 2
Cash out of $999 USD stated in 6/13 8am and happened 6/18 2pm. I don't make my living in SL, and the fees don't really screw me over, but don't tell me that you've improved the process, then clearly demonstrate that you haven't AND you've lowered the amount I can process in a 30-day period, so I'm basically sitting on my thumbs waiting a month each time.
oOo Olaenka
7 years ago 2
I love when events are like, "feel free to show works in progress!"
Me: haven't started
oOo Olaenka
7 years ago 18 @Edit 7 years ago
After all my whining and question asking and freaking out, my backdrop-turned-building-kit is done for Vintage Fair. This is not a gacha. You get all the building pieces and the floor texture and you can make the layout/setup any size you want. Grouped booth and table setups have singles and couples animations.
oOo Olaenka
7 years ago
I have so much SL to do, and very little RL, but I'm at the office, doing little, because I'm supposed to be. I'm bitter about that last part.
oOo Olaenka
7 years ago 1
What I'm doing right now: aside from this Plurk, I'm creating macro code for an office document to lock it down from folks we won't train to use technology, and my Surface is currently rendering one of the 20+ pieces I'm preparing for my Vintage Fair set. Who knew it could even manage that? It's slow, but working.