oOo Olaenka
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
After all my whining and question asking and freaking out, my backdrop-turned-building-kit is done for Vintage Fair. This is not a gacha. You get all the building pieces and the floor texture and you can make the layout/setup any size you want. Grouped booth and table setups have singles and couples animations.
latest #18
oOo Olaenka
7 years ago
super extra special thanks to PacoPooley, for a metal fix that literally saved my life with this. Paco, can you teach me glass next?
7 years ago
Oh my gosh I love this
7 years ago
I think I need to do a burlesque photo with this
Paco Pooley
7 years ago
It is perfect. I love it so much
7 years ago
Oh this is beautiful!!
Paco Pooley
7 years ago
Olaenka: sure thing. glass is a rocky ride but I hopefully can put something together
7 years ago
oOo Olaenka
7 years ago
PacoPooley: I couldn't get a texture to save with alpha, so advancement for me is starting from scratch. :-)
7 years ago
I think I need this
7 years ago
thank you for not making it a Gatcha, it looks great
oOo Olaenka
7 years ago
I'll have some amazing pics of the set put together soon, but I got the guide done so I thought I'd share.
Katie/Evelyn says
7 years ago
this is cool! Glad you made it a non gacha
7 years ago
Very cool!
oOo Olaenka
7 years ago
PacoPooley: you rock. seriously. as soon as I recover from the stress of getting this set done, I'm going to do some glass. Whee!
7 years ago
Ola, I need this so much, you have no idea
7 years ago
I saw this and LOVED IT
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