286Friends 69Fans
Westbrook, ME, United States
Hi! I'm Naraelina Ordinary! I don't play SL anymore but I occasionally peak my head in to say hi!
ʚNara says
4 years ago 1 @Edit 4 years ago
ʚNara says
4 years ago 8
https://images.plurk.com/6IvfkQTw6DWpvyta0ZXxor.jpg I went to a ren faire this week and I'm so utterly in love with them now. Hooooow did it take me so long to get to one!
ʚNara says
5 years ago 5 @Edit 5 years ago
I have a bad habit of keeping returned things in groups and I found like a 6 year old bedroom of mine full of a bunch of my MIA stuff. OOPS. https://images.plurk.com/4n9Kz6am64LsParNwVXET2.png
ʚNara says
5 years ago 7
smell the sea and feel the sky. what better way to test a new computer then a photo!
ʚNara says
5 years ago 8 @Edit 5 years ago
feeling cute might delete l8tr idk (HI PLURK) https://images.plurk.com/48DL1aDwcgPC2XPOSVnGj0.png
ʚNara says
5 years ago 9
This past week, I lost my cousin to addiction. She was my age and we grew up together but had drifted apart. From what I gathered, she had a hard time reaching out for help... Despite having so many people around her. There were hundreds at her funeral. So many wonderful stories. Addiction is hard. If you know anyone... just make sure you reach out if you-
ʚNara says
5 years ago 2
To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake it is necess... I'm still really happy with this photo after not doing photos for yeaaaaars
ʚNara says
5 years ago 7
Today marks my 12th year in SL! I may not play anymore, but gosh have I met so many people through the years! Happy holidays guys!
ʚNara says
6 years ago 1
Twitch https://images.plurk.com/YJY7wVUmAchPXZZe6HbB3.jpg We've been talking a lot about twitch lately! So I thought I'd share mine! I'd love to get all yours as well