286Friends 69Fans
Westbrook, ME, United States
Hi! I'm Naraelina Ordinary! I don't play SL anymore but I occasionally peak my head in to say hi!
ʚNara says
1 years ago
https://i.imgur.com/pQcBv7o.png Running man my way through RFL like old times
1 years ago 6
3 years ago 2
I recently fell down the GTA RP hole, and it heavily reminds me of early SL days when I'd lose hours to rping and generally being silly. I love it
4 years ago 2
I'm lost. Can someone tell me where to find good mesh bodies that are more androgynous?
ʚNara says
4 years ago 8
My college graduation got cancelled
ʚNara says
4 years ago
I've been on self isolation for over a week because of a high fever, and I wanna YELLLLLLL.
ʚNara says
5 years ago 23
[LONG POST] Sometimes I realize how incredibly thankful I am for Second Life. I started playing when I was 12 years old-
ʚNara says
5 years ago 2
Ahhhhhh, I disappeared again, oops. ;`;
ʚNara says
5 years ago 2
They are Non-Binary On another note, I wrote a little thing about how I came out as non-binary this past year.