ʚNara says
5 years ago
This past week, I lost my cousin to addiction. She was my age and we grew up together but had drifted apart. From what I gathered, she had a hard time reaching out for help... Despite having so many people around her. There were hundreds at her funeral. So many wonderful stories. Addiction is hard. If you know anyone... just make sure you reach out if you-
latest #9
ʚNara says
5 years ago
can, ya know? Sometimes even a little conversation can make all the difference.
5 years ago
{ Willow }
5 years ago
ʚNara says
5 years ago
https://images.plurk.com/72jxC3wtALRp3ddqTH0LJL.jpg My favorite thing was how many people had stories about what a little raging ball of fire she was. And I am glad that she left such a profound expression on so many people.
ʚNara says
5 years ago
Our very last conversation was just a few months ago... and it was her reaching out TO ME to say how proud she was of how I dealt with depression and how I had not gone down the same path as her. And how she loved me so much even if we never saw each other.
ʚNara says
5 years ago
I just wish I had reached out to her more like she did me. Anyway. I am rambling. But hug your loved ones, talk to them. Send them random memes! You never know what they are dealing with. \
5 years ago
Yes. Please cherish those who are dear to you and let them know they are loved. I'm having your same regrets.
5 years ago
and listen to your friends.
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