85Friends 103Fans
female Cobourg, ON, Canada
My hubby and I have a small leather business and invite you to visit our shops -
leathermadenice.etsy.com or leathermadenice.com _\00/
Leather says
14 years ago 4
Just dropping by for a short time. Have my website to start working on. eeekkkk! (headspin)
Leather shares
14 years ago 2
Spiritdance,I had a visit from my sister. They see the light.
Leather says
14 years ago 2
YES!!!! Canada won!! mens hockey on a shoot out!!!! (applause)
Leather thinks
14 years ago 7
my kitchen smells like a winery. I have two kits fermenting. Pinot Noir and a French Colobard. (mmm)
Leather shares
14 years ago
My new favourite! Your thoughts? Psalm 23
Leather says
14 years ago 1
Have a pleasant afternoon!! Have some designs to finish and a website to start. :-P
Leather shares
14 years ago 2
I made this for Bandit. https://images.plurk.com/3818598_5a519a1ad20b7357a37d3d57ada4c309.jpg
Leather shares
14 years ago 2
look what I made for my son. DD likes it too!! (griltongue) Thrashed by design!!
Leather says
14 years ago 3
Good night everyone. Hope you have a pleasant evening. :-)
Leather shares
14 years ago 9
Potted some new plants yesterday. Youngest DD put some shells in the soil & this is what we found today. https://images.plurk.com/3818598_c00c52fe196b78b47dbd083619a58e59.jpg