85Friends 103Fans
female Cobourg, ON, Canada
My hubby and I have a small leather business and invite you to visit our shops -
leathermadenice.etsy.com or leathermadenice.com _\00/
Leather says
14 years ago 2
Can you believe it!! A flippin snow day. ugh!! I have three teenages under foot today and orders to full. Give me strength Lord!! :-))
Leather says
14 years ago 5
just taking a break! Getting a lot accomplished today. Very pleased! How's everyone else doing?
Leather has
14 years ago 4
to go shovel the driveway. Have a great day everyone. (wave)
Leather shares
14 years ago 10
Good morning all! This is the newest addition to my good friends family. They haven't name her yet. https://images.plurk.com/3818598_bfb48d89efa1b3dc118e9f60bd95e490.jpg
Leather shares
14 years ago 7
Look everyone!! My good friend's ewe had a baby and just this morning she discovered another girl!! https://images.plurk.com/3818598_e7e1f86fdb4cf911f0b0414ee3567fa6.jpg
Leather says
14 years ago
never realized how many pictures I have taken for my shop! shesh!!! Time to clean up and dump I think.
Leather says
14 years ago 8
5 -1 for Canada!!!! thoughts become things... :-D
Leather says
14 years ago
working on my website!! downloadings a biotch!! (griltongue)
Leather says
14 years ago 5
yes!!!! 4-0 Canada!! whooooa hooo!
Leather shares
14 years ago 5
Good morning, my Plurkie friends!! My lasted design. Amandas mitten So, whatcha think? :-D