Edea Lee
6Friends 0Fans
female Ryogoku, Japan
Edea Lee
9 years ago 6
I totally fell off of the face of the Plurk-net. =v=;; Hi again.
Edea Lee
9 years ago 1
Gonna go back to sleep again and then try to do a BUNCH of work. Including art and tags and such. I may try to stream :>
Edea Lee
9 years ago 6
NOTHING LIKE 196 UNREAD PLURKS. Back in Tokyo if you couldn't tell. LOL
Edea Lee
9 years ago
Man, I wanna work on that Bravely series H-doujin idea I had. BUT WITH WHAT TIME? AND JETLAG? Oh jeeze LOL
Edea Lee
9 years ago 7
I'm home! it's so weird being here. it feels life a dream. xD
Edea Lee
9 years ago
I made some replies to that beach post. I'll try to reply while i'm gone, but it'll probably be pretty slow while i'm in America. So sorry and i'm gonna be on a hiatus! >3<
Edea Lee
9 years ago
hey everyone, I've been so swamped with work and getting ready for traveling in the next 2 days. I just wanted to say I'll be active as much as I can, but I can't guarantee it. so much work to do!!!
Edea Lee shares
9 years ago
one last pic before beedddddd
Edea Lee shares
9 years ago 4
THE BEACH TAG IS UP. finally, god Jes. get yo' shit together. She wore an~ itsy bitsy~ teeny weeny~ black and white bravo bikini~
Edea Lee shares
9 years ago 3
[ART] Let me let you in on a little sneak peek. I'm not gonna say for what... but...