Edea Lee
6Friends 0Fans
female Ryogoku, Japan
Edea Lee
9 years ago 1
I dunno, guys. Should I have Edea go to the beach in the Bravo Bikini or make something new for her. :-o (minus gloves and boots) http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130112071935/finalfantasy/images/5/5a/BDFFedeabravobikini.jpg(Bravo Bikini Reference)
Edea Lee
9 years ago 6
[MEME] How would your character make mine blush?
Edea Lee shares
9 years ago 12
SO. I totally wanna join in on this beach fun! :-D annnd I made a quick doodle...
Edea Lee
9 years ago 1
I realize I may need to put Ms. lee on a hiatus in the next week since I will be in the USA for the rest of the month starting on the 15th..
Edea Lee
9 years ago
[Splatoon]Japan's first Splatfest starts on the 13th! our teams are rice or bread. team bread all the way!!
Edea Lee
9 years ago 5
excuse me while I cry at my wallet but also cry happy tears because Matt and I are going to both Idolm@ster 10th anniversary live and Magical Mirai this year ;v; SO EXCIIITEDD
Edea Lee
9 years ago
FullOfBees I'm joining your room on Splatoon! I'm ちびとら
Edea Lee
9 years ago 4
And the moment when I never left the computer ;v;
Edea Lee
9 years ago 6
Gonna work a little bit on my new job's concepts and then head to bed. ;v; I Made a log before I went to sleep. I'm proud.
Edea Lee
9 years ago 12
FullOfBees Heeeeeyy Should I start the log? or you? Also, should we make it open to everyone? or just us?