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16Friends 7Fans
Mount Olympus, MARS, United States
How the hell did I get hornswaggled into this mess?
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2 weeks ago 3
[uspol] well fuck. fuck fuck fuck.
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2 weeks ago 2
... Wait, do garchomps fly now? Why the hell are they soaring around paldea crater?
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2 weeks ago 1
getting home exhausted from work, want to collapse and sleep on the bed, but don't want to be robbed of valuable time for doing stuff.
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3 weeks ago 3
You have no idea how vindicating it is when a pokemon you worked hard to get as a shiny of good stats turns out to be a right monster tank
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1 months ago
Why did nobody tell me there was a new franken fran series aaaaaaaaaugh i feel like such a fake fan
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1 months ago 7
[cyberpunk] finally getting around to playing with the new stuff, after much pain and suffering getting my mods back in order
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2 months ago 3
[movies] Ape movie was fun but goddamn do these theaters need to stop showing me this stupid quiet place trailer it's about to make me mad for stupid reasons
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2 months ago 38
As someone who still reads marvel comics, can someone tell me why it's so goddamn hard to find what order these things are supposed to be read in? It's absurd how hard you have to look for an answer
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2 months ago
T-Thanks, Plurk, but I didn't really need to know I've been here for 14 years really
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2 months ago
[cat news] cat is doing better, changing his food seems to have worked, vet says he'll be okay. But he better not take any more impromptu diets.