salemat pagi
4 months ago
As someone who still reads marvel comics, can someone tell me why it's so goddamn hard to find what order these things are supposed to be read in? It's absurd how hard you have to look for an answer
latest #38
salemat pagi
4 months ago
Like you read to the end of a collected series and it ends on a cliffhanger... and doesn't tell you where it picks up. Like this is basic shit, i'm trying to follow a throughline here, i shouldn't have to dig into some obscure comics forum to find the answer
salemat pagi
4 months ago
god knows the assorted x-men spinoffs are enough of a clusterfuck, you ought to at least have roadmaps
salemat pagi
4 months ago
I know comixology was shit but i seem to recall it being marginally better than amazon about this (yes i confess im reading on my phone, i need something to read at work) but anyway, this is always a headache
That TC Guy
4 months ago
Man, I got a friend who's a Ghost Rider guy?
That TC Guy
4 months ago
Holy shit this pain is something he knows and speaks of
That TC Guy
4 months ago
Truth is the only way to figure out where something picks up is to look at a character wiki and HOPE it has enough information cited that you can figure out the order
That TC Guy
4 months ago
What series particularly are you looking for
salemat pagi
4 months ago
i figured it out but i kinda got sucked into following betsy braddock's thing though Excalibur. i finished the first volume of Excalibur then picked up the next and it was clear there'd been a big-ass event and i'd just spoiled myself on its outcome
salemat pagi
4 months ago
it was the x of swords thing, i ended up going through that and then the other volume of excalibur and it ends on a cliffhanger and doesn't say what series it picks up in, and it looks like it was another special, the knights of x
salemat pagi
4 months ago
the shittiest part is how easy it is to spoil yourself on a storyline in looking for where to continue it
salemat pagi
4 months ago
like the synopsis for one of the next parts will be some shit like "well a lot of things happened and these characters are dead! Crazy, huh!" and im like motherfucker there was no indication i was missing anything in between
salemat pagi
4 months ago
anything even tangentially tied to spider-man seems to suffer from this too
salemat pagi
4 months ago
learned that trying to follow venom
That TC Guy
4 months ago
That TC Guy
4 months ago
yeah the fuckin
That TC Guy
4 months ago
Krakoa era is basically just
That TC Guy
4 months ago
twenty god damn "of X" titles rolling into each other with some people off on their own shit and a Hellfire Gala every year
That TC Guy
4 months ago
it is honestly fucking exhausting you kinda just gotta pick one road to go down and then swing back for events now and then, way bigger of an investment than it should be
That TC Guy
4 months ago
Spider-stuff is actually NOT THAT BAD cause they all kinda are off doing their own thing and unless it's an event they basically ignore each other
That TC Guy
4 months ago
including Peter's whole having multiple books thing
That TC Guy
4 months ago
Venom however does have that problem especially during the fucking King in Black and the follow up series where its his son.
salemat pagi
4 months ago
yeah i noticed that one. i also saw there were apparently two distinct venomverse deals and the first one just didn't even matter (also apparently gwenpoolnom got better because she showed up elsewhere, also also I SWEAR i saw gwenpool in one of these X books Gwen what the fuck are you doing there you're not even a mutant)
That TC Guy
4 months ago
neither is Deadpool
That TC Guy
4 months ago
but Deadpool is associated and Gwen I think is like friends with Jubilee or something?
salemat pagi
4 months ago
yeah, though he has some technicality there at least
That TC Guy
4 months ago
I mean
That TC Guy
4 months ago
either way she does what she wants
That TC Guy
4 months ago
also I didn't know about Gwen ever got Venomed
That TC Guy
4 months ago
I know SPIDER-GWEN is Venomed
salemat pagi
4 months ago
yeah fair enough i guess, though youd think she'd be smart enough to avoid those kinds of big events, that's where the cannon fodder gets culled
That TC Guy
4 months ago
yeah but she's both in a weird form of duality, too popular and not popular enough to get killed.
salemat pagi
4 months ago
true enough. Black Widow is symbioted too now apparently. but is it weird that of all the symbiotes running around i just want to read about the one that's a cat
salemat pagi
4 months ago
kinda the only one that seems to have its shit together too
That TC Guy
4 months ago
yeah i saw that in fuckin
That TC Guy
4 months ago
the new Thunderbolts series
That TC Guy
4 months ago
and I hate it cause she looks KINDA like what Venomed MJ looked like from Renew Your Vows and it just made me go "why can't MJ just have a symbiote"
That TC Guy
4 months ago
I know Flash is currently Anti-Venom but idk if they're doing anything with him after bringing him back to life
salemat pagi
4 months ago
he kinda disappeared, yeah
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