64Friends 23Fans
RachelWeeHuiEn is the full name aw !
Hundredpercentfriendly . ^^
Just dont be a bigbaby and go around cyberbullying.

Leave a taqq @ kiss-thfloor.blogspot.com/
!Rachelzxc' is
15 years ago
going MIA from plurking alr . be back whenever ! (wave)
15 years ago
might be going to MIA from plurk .
!Rachelzxc' is
15 years ago
back home , and feeling super shag .
!Rachelzxc' is
15 years ago
damn shag + sad now . :-(
!Rachelzxc' says
15 years ago
just finished updating my blog yeah .
!Rachelzxc' says
15 years ago
it's raining now aw .
!Rachelzxc' wants
15 years ago
karma to rise .
!Rachelzxc' says
15 years ago 2
i miss him :-(
!Rachelzxc' is
15 years ago 3
back to plurk yo ! ^^v
!Rachelzxc' is
15 years ago
feeling damn low now . :'-(