64Friends 23Fans
RachelWeeHuiEn is the full name aw !
Hundredpercentfriendly . ^^
Just dont be a bigbaby and go around cyberbullying.

Leave a taqq @ kiss-thfloor.blogspot.com/
!Rachelzxc' wants
15 years ago
karma to riseeeeee ! :-(
!Rachelzxc' is
15 years ago
going to bathe now . BRBBRB . ^^v
!Rachelzxc' says
15 years ago
just got home ! :-D
!Rachelzxc' is
15 years ago
bored now . :-(
!Rachelzxc' is
15 years ago
waiting for mummy to come home with sweetsweet stuffs for me to eat ! (hungry)
!Rachelzxc' says
15 years ago
hello , byebye
!Rachelzxc' says
15 years ago
hello plurkers ! :-D
!Rachelzxc' says
15 years ago
just logged on , now gtg aw . :-( byebye .
!Rachelzxc' wants
15 years ago
karma to riseeeeeeeeeeee ! :-(
!Rachelzxc' shares
15 years ago
Mosquito song (With Lyric and Sing along) - MrBrown Show Production