Miko Omegamu
205Friends 90Fans
female Los Angeles, Second life
Pixel Seamstress
Toss me a friend invite if you're a Second Life resident!
How to fit prim clothing in Second Life
Miko Omegamu
13 years ago 14
Hmm, got negative reviews on marketplace because my clothing didn't come with resize scripts in them. Is this a common thing for clothes?
Miko Omegamu
13 years ago 19
I looked at www.thisiswhyimbroke.com... and thought "God, who the hell would want.... OMG I NEED THAT."
Miko Omegamu
13 years ago 3
I feel terrible. I forgot to check the humane mouse trap for a couple of days and finally remembered last night, and the poor thing was
Miko Omegamu asks
13 years ago 12
Do you dress in RL like you do in SL?
Miko Omegamu is
13 years ago 1
drinking wine out of a paper coffee cup at a meeting.
Miko Omegamu
13 years ago 27
i.imgur.com/97GUc.jpg I love Craigslist.
Miko Omegamu
13 years ago 3
My day has been "Time to look for another job, c'est la vie. Wait, I have to write a cover letter? I'd rather just kill myself."
Miko Omegamu
13 years ago 8
Why is it that working on a resume makes one want to curl up into a little ball and die?
Miko Omegamu
13 years ago 2
saw Drive last night... it was fine, but 93% on Rotten Tomatoes? (eyeroll)