Miko Omegamu
13 years ago
Hmm, got negative reviews on marketplace because my clothing didn't come with resize scripts in them. Is this a common thing for clothes?
latest #14
Miko Omegamu
13 years ago
I was under the impression you only needed those with no-mod stuff, and people find them unnecessary for mod.
13 years ago
I think some newer people got used to the scripts (I hate them) and never learned how to mod things on their own. They need to learn!
Renee Harvy says
13 years ago
yeah, exacttly. It's fairly common these days, and totally unnecessary. They want resize scripts they have to delete :|
❉ Betty ❉
13 years ago
I put them in some things that are more complex as an option, but not everything. Most of my clothes do not have the script.
Keira Seerose
13 years ago
I hate resizzze
Dolly Baroque
13 years ago
I'd rather mod than use resize. I guess that's a noob thing
Mmw Strangelove
13 years ago
I don't like scripts, but I'm old and come from a time when resize scripts didn't exist. I think the newer avies are differently minded.
13 years ago
Ditto what thaumata said
Lexi says
13 years ago
for some items they can be nice (I am thinking corsets here), other than that, I rather prefer mod items.
Lexi says
13 years ago
If people give you a negative review because they are too lazy/can't learn... when I am in world again .. just let me at them ;-)
13 years ago
I can't really fathom finding a resize script easier than just editing the prim.
Marls says
13 years ago
MikoOmegamu share the link and we will flood it with compliments.
Marls says
13 years ago
We're bad ass like that.
Miko Omegamu
13 years ago
Haha, thanks! I'll IM her and just offer to fit it and make an open source resizer available in the store.
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