Tikkay khan
49Friends 604Fans
male Brookfield, WI, United States
Professional IT expert and health guru at Health and Fitness: Tikkay Khan's Health Tips
Tikkay khan
6 years ago 12
Try these awesome fat burning cardio workouts for women.
These are professionally designed and approved by professionals
20 Awesome Fat Burning Cardio Workouts - Health & Fi...
Tikkay khan
6 years ago 11
Women always struggle to fat burn of their body.
But hardly some of the success to achieve their goals.

Women don't perform properly exercises to lose weight, as well as they don't adopt a proper diet.

Here is the proper workout for women who are struggling to lose their weight.
13 Best Fat Burning Workouts for Females - Health & ...
Tikkay khan 喜歡
6 years ago 8
Back fat is one of the common problems for women.
Many of the women don't know how to reduce back fat.

Do you want?
How to reduce back fat fast?
If Yes!
Then follow these 13 best back fat reduction exercises.
13 Best Back Fat Reduction Exercises For Women: Tikk...
Tikkay khan
6 years ago
Always women try to look gorgeous and different, but nowadays junky foods, oily things, and an unhealthy diet can fulfill the dreams of women.
In women fat store at saddlebags and glutes. This area makes them less attractive.
So how to increase butt and buttock and reduce saddlebags.
12 Best Buttocks Workout for Women - Health & Fitnes...
Tikkay khan
6 years ago
Get online shopping here at reasonable prices.
HUGE Online Shopping Mall | Save Money at Bargainbr...
Tikkay khan 喜歡
6 years ago 7
Stretching before exercise is one of the best ways to avoid from injury.
There is a number of exercises exist for stretching but these 15 best exercises for stretching are recommended by professionals.
Perform these 15 stretching exercises.
For detail read the full guide below.
15 Best Stretching Exercises for Weight Loss - Healt...
Tikkay khan 分享
6 years ago 6
Is losing weight without exercise true?


Everybody can lose weight without performing exercises.


There are many ways to burn fat.

Check out the 12 most effective ways to lose weight without exercises.



12 Ways To Lose Weight Without Exercises - Simple & ...
Tikkay khan 分享
6 years ago
Plank exercise is one of the perfect abdominal exercises which don't affect your spinal and other bones.
It can be performed in various methods.
Check out the best methods to perform a plank.
20 Ways to Do a Plank - A Complete Guide - Health & ...
Tikkay khan 分享
6 years ago
Women over 40 always struggle to get fitness, but most of them don't know which exercise is beneficial for them and which isn't.
There are many exercises which they perform, but most of them they don't
Check the list of exercises do's and don't
Exercises for Women Over 40 Updated (2018) - Health ...