Tikkay khan
49Friends 604Fans
male Brookfield, WI, United States
Professional IT expert and health guru at Health and Fitness: Tikkay Khan's Health Tips
Tikkay khan
3 years ago
Leslie Kai Greene, better known as Kai Greene or Kai L. Greene, is an American retired professional bodybuilder, personal trainer, artist, and actor. Check his Biography
#kaigreene #mrolympia #predator Kai Greene Biography - Tikkay Khan
Tikkay khan
4 years ago
Coronovirus spreading all around the world, so stay home and be healthy!
If you want to boost your immune system definitely you will need some home exercises and food.
To read about covid-19 exercises at home read this blog post.
#coronovirus #covid19 #covid19italia #covid19uk
How to Stay Fit During Coronavirus (COVID-19)? - Hea...
Tikkay khan
5 years ago
Check out the latest Yoga shoes for women! <3
10 Best Yoga Shoes For Women A Complete Guide | Tikk...
Tikkay khan
5 years ago
Are you facing Fat problem at face and Neck and want a proper treatment?
And you are willing for liposuction, then read the following content.
Liposuction is the surgical removal of excess fat from the specific areas of the body, offering a better contour and shape to the body.
Liposuction before and after treatement : Tikkay Kha...
Tikkay khan
5 years ago
This Ramadan you can lose your weight as much as you want.
I have prepared a ketogenic diet plan for weight loss.
This keto diet plan is also good for beginners and advanced level people who are doing work out.
Read out the keto plan for weight loss.
A Detail Keto Diet Plan for Beginners : Tikkay Khan
Tikkay khan
5 years ago
Massage Therapy has been used for several years for the healing of the body.
There are different types of massage which can be effective for your body.
Check out the massage for healing.
Massage for Healing with 9 Effective Massages: Tikka...
Tikkay khan
5 years ago
Everybody wants to look muscular and attractive.
To achieve this goal you have to require a healthy diet plan and proper gym exercises.

Here are some advance level chest and triceps workout for you, these exercises both men and women can perform at home or gym

Chest and Triceps Workout Updated (2019) : Tikkay Kh...
Tikkay khan
6 years ago
Do you love your love <3?


I mean, love handles.

Yes, if you are loving your six pack then definitely you will want to get rid of love handles.

Big love handles is the cause of lower belly fat.

Read several ways to get rid of love handles easily.
How To Get Rid of Love Handles : Tikkay Khan