33Friends 14Fans
female Yonder, Second Life, United States
5 years ago 5
Costa Rica... absolutely STUNNING. One of my favorite trips
5 years ago
I understand I am an intern but my boss does NOT give me clear instructions at all and then I end up getting in trouble because of it. :-)
Madeleine has
5 years ago 4
anyone else had severely low iron/ferritin levels? I have "4" ferritin compared to the normal range which is 20-154; I am severely deficient yet no one knows what's wrong with me
5 years ago 9
Does anyone get anxiety/depression during their period due to their birth control!? I never had an issue with my birth control until I had an IUD (Paragard) inserted. I am thinking about switching to Mirena
5 years ago 2
I got a (video) interview with JPMorgan for their open internship next summer in NYC!!!! WOOOOO!!!!
5 years ago 1
Applied for JP Morgan and Morgan Stanley today
5 years ago 13
I need help from everyone on Plurk because majority of you are married and have your life together unlike me lol. I have been dating my boyfriend for almost two years now. He was with me despite going through a really crappy time with my anxiety last summer.
6 years ago 7
I wanna see everyone’s opinion about this... my internship I feel is overworking me, especially today. I had to leave An hour early today for a doctors appointment. Important.
6 years ago 4
My first day of my big girl job!! Hahaha wish me luck :-)