72Friends 5Fans
female CA, United States
Draw. RP. Whatever else?


Anyway, here's Wonderwall THE RP CHARACTER LIST
So is it weird for someone to say "I didn't want to eat here anyway" after being told they need to order food first before being seated? Because that just happened.
[Museum] Today was a day! Not in a bad way, it was just interesting
STATE OF MK involving: stuff?
[SoRP] Question: Hey, so where has MK been?
Answer: I have no idea
/slithers in and just lies here
1 years ago 6 @Edit 1 years ago
[Vet Costs] [EDIT: UPDATED in plurk] Hi I don't know how else to title this, but a friend of mine needs some help:Please Help Save Kaiden's Life, organized by Devan H...
[Museum] In other news: I found out the numbers on the tallies we've been taking for the book stuffs
https://images.plurk.com/2id9n8BOrXzVSvg8fNKFXg.png Anyway- hi, I'm trying to kick myself out of exhaustion
whoaaaaa first flight in years. waiting for the plane