1 years ago @Edit 1 years ago
[Vet Costs] [EDIT: UPDATED in plurk] Hi I don't know how else to title this, but a friend of mine needs some help:Please Help Save Kaiden's Life, organized by Devan H...
latest #6
If you can donate, that's great! If you can't but can boost the signal, that's also fine!
Just wanted to roll back in here to say thank you so much for replurking!
I shall update: kitty was able to be referred to another vet, and they opted to do a non-invasive surgery for the intestinal problem. So he was very drugged, but was mostly "calm and slightly bewildered" as per the owner's notes.
But today he's acting like his old self doing everything, so he's getting picked up soon!
Thank you again, everyone! Your help is much appreciated!
that's great!
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