71Friends 57Fans
female Manila, Philippines
If you're friending me just to get my responses to your Plurks, then first check if we have the same interests. That should be easy enough to tell from my Plurks. I don't like pointless threads littering my timeline, so I don't often friend back.
Lyn says
10 years ago 13
when you go to bed at 12 and you know that you're going to have to wake up at 4:50 to get to work early
Lyn says
10 years ago 9
[HxH] . - Imgur So how many pairs does this look like to you guys
Lyn says
10 years ago 4
The utter lack of kuroro/kurapika things in the mandarake branches I've been to is disappointing.
Lyn says
10 years ago 58
[awkward question of the day] Will I get mistaken for a drug courier at the airport with these things in my luggage?
Lyn says
10 years ago 2
> headache
> get coffee to try to alleviate it
> spend rest of afternoon dealing with hyperacidity
Lyn says
10 years ago 7
ever get that asshole feeling of wanting to knock someone's very obvious wig off their head just to see what will happen?
Lyn says
11 years ago 22
celifairy this is your fault [HxH: The Last Mission]
Lyn says
11 years ago 18
My gut is churning from stress. I've taken the morning off, and I have to decide if I should take the rest of the day off, but I still have work due this Wednesday...