Lyn says
10 years ago
[awkward question of the day] Will I get mistaken for a drug courier at the airport with these things in my luggage?
latest #58
Lyn says
10 years ago
Although I keep telling myself that all they need to do is let their dogs sniff them to know they're not... contraband or anything.
Lyn says
10 years ago
Unless powdered milk is considered contraband in Japan idk.
10 years ago
Not unless you flaunt them, they shouldn't. Plus, yeah, easily verified as not drugs.
10 years ago
Though what a picture they make, aha.
10 years ago
ooh drugs
Lyn says
10 years ago
Yeah, my mom's worried that they look like... drug packets. And might show up as such in x-rays.
Celizabeth Hood
10 years ago
you could let them know on the plane that you've got powdered milk in there tho 8|a and they can check if they want maybe
Celizabeth Hood
10 years ago
but yeah.....LMAO
Celizabeth Hood
10 years ago
I would possibly put them in something not plastic baggies maybe..
Lyn says
10 years ago
;_; They're individually packed! For 14 days of travel. So I can just throw them away day by day once I drink the contents.
Lyn says
10 years ago
I could go out and buy a small can but that would be bulky, and I'll probably have like half left over even after 14 days.
Celizabeth Hood
10 years ago
YEAH.....that's true
Celizabeth Hood
10 years ago
either way, it's not like you'll be carted off for drugs when its POWDERED MILK \(unsure)/
Lyn says
10 years ago
The airport here won't be any problem, I think. It's the x-rays in Japan I'm worried about. Like the high-powered ones they use for checked-in luggage, because I won't be there to explain?
Lyn says
10 years ago
So I thought I could keep them in my carry-on instead, because at least with those x-rays I can open my bags and immediately tell them that I'll get explosive LBM if I don't drink a glass of this shit everyday.
Yukeh says
10 years ago
Can put in a tea tin maybe?
Yukeh says
10 years ago
Anyway a sniff should prove they are milk so that's not a problem.
it's easily verifiable although... they do look rather suspicious in the picture.
Lyn says
10 years ago
It's like this packed in another plastic bag (still individually packed inside) although now it looks like a bag of flour... which might not be better.
stick it in your carry on
they might be like yo wtf is this
and you can pull it out
Pᴀᴍᴍᴜ says
10 years ago
their customs are really friendly, so i think you should be fine?
Celizabeth Hood
10 years ago
tbf it doesn't even look like drugs to me so idk
Celizabeth Hood
10 years ago
Celizabeth Hood
10 years ago
like in that pic
Celizabeth Hood
10 years ago
the color is weird
Pᴀᴍᴍᴜ says
10 years ago
but if you like, you could put it in a tea bin as yukeh suggested. just to be on the safe side.
Lyn says
10 years ago
It's kind of off-white. And afaik drugs are crystalline white?
Pᴀᴍᴍᴜ says
10 years ago
Lyn says
10 years ago
Pam, are you online anywhere?
Pᴀᴍᴍᴜ says
10 years ago
just facebook and plurk at the moment.
Pᴀᴍᴍᴜ says
10 years ago
what's up?
Lyn says
10 years ago
Just wanted to chat. XD
Pᴀᴍᴍᴜ says
10 years ago
oh! pm me? might be delayed in responding after a bit, but yeah. right now i am idle.
Lyn says
10 years ago
AIM? Or here?
Pᴀᴍᴍᴜ says
10 years ago
Pᴀᴍᴍᴜ says
10 years ago
lol my trillian is fucking up. will need to fix that someday soon.
Lyn says
10 years ago
Anyway, I think I'll put it in my carry-on and just move to my check-in if needed...
Pᴀᴍᴍᴜ says
10 years ago
put it in the check-in. might be better and safer.
Drae says
10 years ago
Hi, Tine here: Singapore/German customs once sliced open one if five bags of powdered coconut in my checked luggage to test it.
Drae says
10 years ago
It spilled into my whole suitcase, was terrible. So if possible put it in hand luggage, tell them about it, and be prepared to have them
Drae says
10 years ago
Test every single bag of it. If you put it in checked luggage, add a large, easy to read letter explaining what it is and why you need it.
Drae says
10 years ago
To answer the original question: yes, it does look suspicious. Also, putting it into sth else will not make it look less suspicious.
Drae says
10 years ago
Powdered white stuff in large quantities in Asia travelling towards non-Asia is always suspicious.
Lyn says
10 years ago
Lyn says
10 years ago
Well, the total weight of those 14 packets is a bit under 400 grams, and as it turns out, the smallest possible tin I can get is also 400 grams, so I might go out later and just buy the tin.
Lyn says
10 years ago
I should sell them and get rich, yeah? (woot)
Lyn says
10 years ago
So. Is Qilby the kind of person who'd be interested in ingesting psychedelic substances.
Lyn says
10 years ago
I should have expected that, but I didn't think the old man had it in him.
Lyn says
10 years ago
Hopefully not haha.
Lyn says
10 years ago
Yukeh and I will be going to Japan for two weeks with three other friends. Flight is tomorrow morning.
10 years ago
enjoy your time in Japan!
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