To write is to live and do and breathe. After all, if we do not live within our words then they are not real and the reader will not feel them. It is why we write and more importantly why we read.
Had my first ever voice lesson the day before yesterday. It went ok, apparently I'm not completely tone deaf and was able to pick up and hit the individual notes with some effort. I have breathing exercises to do and she wants me to familiarize myself with a specific song so we can start working with it next week.
So the kid and I went to Maine at the begging of July to help my father-in-law move in with us which should happen at the end of this month/beginning of next. His place was a disaster!
2 weeks on keto and sweet things are mildly gross at this stage or at best they are meh... I'm sure I would still be all over a brownie or a cinnamon roll...
I talked to one of the two doctors that I used to work with and actually like today, and apparently she is leaving as soon as she finds another place. The owning vet hired a new vet who's male and a new grad at a higher salary than she is paying her despite being there longer and having way more experience.